Thursday, March 4, 2010

Time-out in Cali

Hunter was so funny. Ocean was freezing but he played this game for a good 45 minutes. He's my little fish, takes after his dad.

Sophie-mandated rest-stop in the middle of nowhere. She may be smiling right now but was screaming her head off minutes before! Poor girl.

Co-pilot, DJ, navigator, babysitter the best!

Hunter was a trooper. Soph, on the other hand-so high maintenance!

Thanks to my sis, Tutasi for flying out to SLC only to join the kiddies and I in a very adventurous road trip to San Diego. Best co-pilot ever!


  1. WHY do all my pictures post backwards? I did not think I was this technologically challenged. Sheesh!

  2. i love the pictures. especially the one of Hunter running from the waves!
